Page 48 - Microsoft Word -Cow Book 10-06-09 final update.doc
P. 48

Item 7r


REQUIREMENT: Every dairy farm shall be provided with one or more toilets,
conveniently located and properly constructed, operated, and maintained in a
sanitary manner. The waste shall be inaccessible to flies and shall not pollute the
soil surfaces or contaminate any water supply.

Public Health Reason: The organisms of typhoid fever, dysentery and
gastrointestinal disorders may be present in the body waste of persons who have
these diseases. In the case of typhoid fever, well persons (carriers) also may
discharge the organisms in their body waste. If a toilet is not fly tight and
constructed to prevent overflow, dangerous bacteria or viruses may be carried
from the excreta to the milk, either by flies or through the pollution of ground or
surface water to which lactating animals or humans have access.

Inspectional areas of emphasis or special problem areas may be:

1. Toilet facility should be constructed in accordance with the State
Regulatory Agency recommendations. In most cases a toilet must be
provided for farm employees.

2. Toilet room must be kept clean and provided with adequate toilet tissue
and waste receptacles. Toilet room must never open directly into the
milkroom, provided that toilet rooms that open directly into the milk room
must be equipped with a tight fitting self-closing solid door.

3. Septic tanks should not be overflowing and there should be no breaks in
sewerage lines.

4. Sewage from the toilet must never discharge into the animal waste lagoon.

5. Toilet room fixtures must be in good repair, the toilet bowl floor seal must
not be leaking and the room and all fixtures must be kept clean.

6. There should be no evidence of used toilet paper on floor or in trash
container that shows evidence of fecal material.

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