Page 51 - Microsoft Word -Cow Book 10-06-09 final update.doc
P. 51

Item 9r


REQUIREMENT: All multi-use containers, equipment, and utensils used in the
handling, storage, or transportation of milk shall be made of smooth, nonabsor-
bent, corrosion resistant, nontoxic materials, and shall be so constructed as to be
easily cleaned. All containers, utensils, and equipment shall be in good repair.
Multiple use woven material shall not be used for straining milk. All single service
articles shall have been manufactured, packaged, transported, and handled in a
sanitary manner and shall comply with the applicable requirements of Item 11p of
this section. Articles intended for single service use shall not be reused.

Farm holding/cooling tanks, welded sanitary piping, and transportation tanks shall
comply with the applicable requirements of Items 10p and 11p of this section.

Public Health Reason: Milk containers and other utensils without flush joints and
seams, without smooth, easily cleaned, and accessible surfaces, and not made of
durable, non-corrodible material resistant, are apt to harbor accumulations in
which undesirable bacterial growth is supported. Single-service articles which
have not been manufactured and handled in a sanitary manner may contaminate
the milk.

Guidelines for milk contact construction criteria may be found in the 3A Sanitary
Standards and Accepted Practices, No. 606-##, Design, Fabrication and Installa-
tion of Milking and Milk Handling equipment and Standard 13-## which is the 3A
Sanitary Standards for Farm Milk Cooling and Holding Tanks. (## is the most
current revision)

Both of these standards provide guidelines for milk equipment materials, fabrica-
tion, and application to pipeline milking systems, milking system vacuum require-
ments, operation, maintenance and service.

According to the Administrative Procedures, stainless steel must be of the
______series or equivalent to be acceptable for use in milk contact surfaces.

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