Page 27 - Microsoft Word -Cow Book 10-06-09 final update.doc
P. 27

Permits that have been suspended may be reinstated, to allow the sale
of milk for human food when a representative sample taken from the
producers milk, prior to commingling, is no longer positive for drug

Note: Positive drug screening tests resulting from samples taken by
the producer of their own farm bulk or cow-side testing are not required
to be reported to the regulatory agency.

Acceptable screening tests are listed, along with approved levels of
testing following this section.

6. Sampling Procedures:

All sampling procedures and required laboratory examinations must be in
compliance with the most current edition of Standard Methods for the
Examination of Dairy Products and Official Methods of Analysis of the
Association of Official Analytical Chemists.

The sampling certification program shall be in accordance with the most
current revision of the Procedures Governing the Cooperative State-Public
Health Service/Food and Drug Administration Program of the National
Conference on Interstate Milk Shipments.

All official farm bulk milk samples must be collected by a regulatory agency
certified sampler or by a milk tanker hauler/sampler under the Universal
Sampling Program. These samplers must be evaluated once every two (2)
years. This evaluation includes examining sampling equipment (coolers,
dippers, single service straws, sample containers, etc) and observing and
evaluating sampling techniques at the farm.

The State Sampling Surveillance Officer(s) (SSO) oversee and monitor this
program. FDA Milk Specialists certify these SSO's by conducting a side by
side comparison of sampling procedure observations using the items listed on
the appropriate inspection or evaluation report form. The State SSO's, in turn,
may delegate certification and evaluation duties to selected milk sanitarians
as necessary. This delegation may only be passed down one time. An active
on-going sampler training program, including milk haulers, must be in effect
and an effective enforcement program must ensure proper procedures are
followed. Appendix B of the PMO outlines in detail the requirements for a

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