Page 26 - Microsoft Word -Cow Book 10-06-09 final update.doc
P. 26

5. Enforcement of the standards:

a All violations of bacteria, somatic cell counts, and temperatures shall be
promptly followed-up by inspection to determine and correct the cause.

b When two of the last four samples exceed the limit for bacterial,
somatic cell or temperature standards (taken on separate days) a
notice is issued by the regulatory agency.

c Within 21 days of sending the notice (but not before 3 days) an
additional sample must be taken.

d When three of the last five samples exceed the limits, the permit shall
be immediately suspended (or product not offered for Grade A sale or

e The regulatory agency may issue a temporary permit after determining
by a facility inspection that the conditions responsible for the problem
have been corrected.

f When a permit as been suspended due to high somatic cell counts,
reinstatement may be based on re-sampling, this indicates that the
milk supply is within acceptable standards.

g Whenever a drug residue test is positive, the milk must not be offered
for sale or consumption until subsequent samples prove the milk to be
free of residues. Also an investigation shall be made to determine the
cause, and the cause shall be corrected.

Under the requirements of Appendix N, the producer permit must also
be immediately suspended, or equally effective measures shall be
taken to prevent the sale of milk containing drug residues. The penalty
shall be the value of the milk on the contaminated load plus any costs
associated with disposition of the contaminated milk. Then the producer
responsible must receive a drug residue prevention education program
and farm procedure changes to prevent future residues. These
programs are administered by the state regulatory authority.

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