Page 18 - Microsoft Word -Cow Book 10-06-09 final update.doc
P. 18

CC. MILK TRANSPORTATION COMPANY: A milk transportation company is
the person responsible for a milk tank truck(s).

DD. OFFICIAL LABORATORY: An official laboratory is a biological, chemical
or physical laboratory, which is under the direct supervision of the Regulatory

laboratory is a commercial laboratory authorized to do official work by the
Regulatory Agency, or a milk industry laboratory officially designated by the
Regulatory Agency for the examination of producer samples of Grade “A” raw
milk for pasteurization and commingled milk tank truck samples of raw milk for
drug residues and bacterial limits.

JJ. REGULATORY AGENCY: The Regulatory Agency shall mean the ... of
the … or their authorized representative. The term, "Regulatory Agency",
whenever it appears in the Ordinance shall mean the appropriate agency
having jurisdiction and control over the matters embraced within this

KK. SANITIZATION: Is the application of any effective method or substance
to properly cleaned surfaces for the destruction of pathogens, and other
microorganisms, as far as is practicable. Such treatment shall not adversely
affect the equipment, the milk and/or milk product, or the health of consumers,
and shall be acceptable to the Regulatory Agency.

LL. SHEEP MILK: Sheep milk is the normal lacteal secretion practically free
of colostrum, obtained by the complete milking of one (1) or more healthy
sheep. Sheep milk shall be produced according to the sanitary standards of
this Ordinance. The word "milk" shall be interpreted to include sheep milk.

PP. WATER BUFFALO MILK: Water buffalo milk is the normal lacteal
secretion, practically free of colostrum, obtained by the complete milking of
one (1) or more healthy water buffalo. Water buffalo milk shall be produced
according to the sanitary standards of this Ordinance. The word “milk” shall be
interpreted to include water buffalo milk. (Refer to the NOTE: on page 26.)

“NOTE” from page 26 referenced in definitions I, L, S and PP: Milk from
animals not currently in the Grade "A" PMO may be labeled as Grade “A” and
IMS listed upon FDA’s acceptance of validated Grade "A" PMO, Section 6 and
Appendix N. test methods for the animal to be added.

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