Page 15 - Microsoft Word -Cow Book 10-06-09 final update.doc
P. 15




The following definitions are those applicable to the dairy farm and are copied
verbatim from the PMO.

MILK - Milk is the product defined in the Code of Federal Regulations, Title
21, Section 131.110. This reads as follows:

"Milk is the lacteal secretion, practically free from colostrum, obtained
by the complete milking of one or more healthy cows."

In the final packaged form, milk shall contain not less than 8.25% milk solids
not fat (SNF) and not less than 3.25% milk fat.

A. ABNORMALITIES OF MILK: The following types of lacteal secretions are
not suitable for sale for Grade "A" purposes.

A-1. Abnormal Milk: Milk that is visibly changed in color, odor and/or texture.
A-2. Undesirable Milk: Milk that, prior to the milking of the animal, is
expected to be unsuitable for sale, such as milk containing colostrum.
A-3. Contaminated Milk: Milk that is un-saleable or unfit for human
consumption following treatment of the animal with veterinary products, i.e.
antibiotics, which have withhold requirements, or treatment with medicines or
insecticides not approved for use on dairy animals by FDA or the
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

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