Page 64 - Microsoft Word -Cow Book 10-06-09 final update.doc
P. 64

Item 12r


REQUIREMENT: All containers, utensils, and equipment used in the handling,
storage, or transportation of milk, unless stored in sanitizing solutions, shall be
stored to assure complete drainage, and shall be protected from contamination
prior to use: Provided, that pipeline milking equipment such as milker claws,
inflations, weigh jars, meters, milk hoses, milk receivers, tubular coolers, plate
coolers and milk pumps which are designed for CIP cleaning and other
equipment as accepted by FDA, which meets these criteria, may be stored in the
milking barn or parlor, provided this equipment is designed, installed and
operated to protect the product and solution contact surfaces from contamination
at all times.

Public Health Reason: Careless storage of milk containers, utensils and
equipment, which previously have been properly treated, is apt to result in
recontamination of such utensils, thus rendering them unsafe.

Inspectional areas of emphasis or special problem areas may be:

1. Extreme care must be used to protect the milk contact surfaces of
equipment after cleaning during the storage period(s). Surfaces must
not be left exposed to contamination after cleaning operations by
splash, dust, insects, drippings, etc.

2. Equipment must be stored to assure complete draining/drying following
the cleaning cycles. This includes all milk lines, inlets, the receiver,
bulk milk tank, milking units (claws), etc. Allowing in-line filter units
and/or the filters to contact unclean surfaces during installation (i.e.,
placing on the floor, shelving, or carried under the arm are only a few of
the methods that have been observed during inspections) must never
be allowed and violate this item.

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