Page 160 - Microsoft Word -Cow Book 10-06-09 final update.doc
P. 160


12. The agitator shaft of a bulk headed milk
tank, which is adequately protected, is
located in a room without finished walls.

13. One of the compartments of the utensil
wash sink is marked "hand wash". It has
been provided with dispenser soap and
single service towels.

14. The milkhouse has a door which opens
directly into a calf housing area. The
door is solid and self closing. The calf
area is not clean and is poorly ventilated
and these odors are detected in the

15. Well water, which is used to pre-cool milk
in a plate cooler, is discharged into the
cow washer reservoir. The discharge
pipe is located below the overflow level of
the reservoir.

16. The overhead hay storage loft door in the
milking area of a stanchion barn is left
open during non-milking times.

17. The holding pen (catch pen) has manure
buildup from only the morning milking

18. The milkhouse is provided with 20 foot-
candles of natural lighting. All light
fixtures either have missing or broken

19. Boxes of Dri-Clox (RX dry cow drug) are
properly labeled with the prescribing
DVM’s name and address and are stored
with the lactating drugs.

20. A portable high pressure water pump is
equipped with a pressure type vacuum
breaker to protect the water system.

21. The Mueller "wand" tank washer is stored
above the floor in the breezeway.

22. The air injector for the CIP system is
located in an unclean area of the
compressor room and the filter is
excessively dirty.

23. Manure packs are not solid to the footing.
There is no evidence of fly breeding.

24. The water used for washing the parlor is
from an old irrigation well which, during
dry seasons, draws water from a small
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