Page 89 - Microsoft Word -Cow Book 10-06-09 final update.doc
P. 89

Some of the more common violations found on dairy farms are:

a. Submerged inlets, including;

 Hoses or automatic filler valves
located below overflow level in stock

 Hoses submerged in utensil wash
vats, if there is a drain plug in the

b. Wells located in or immediately
adjacent to the cowyard;

c. Chemical injector systems that feed
directly into the potable water supply
without adequate protection (drums of
udder wash or sanitizer);

d. Wells in pits without the required drain, cement floors, or impervious
covers over the pit;

e. Improperly installed high pressure water pumps "unprotected" high
pressure pumps are those which are not either:

 connected to a separate water supply.

 connected to a separate properly designed tank or reservoir, or

 fitted with a properly installed low pressure cut-off switch which deacti-
vates the pump under a pre-set low pressure condition. This includes
also a properly installed shut-off valve upstream from the switch.

NOTE: As a result of testing completed by the FDA, devices
such as vacuum breakers/ backflow preventers and
flap type check valves were not able to prevent the
occurrence of negative pressure or suction on the

line supplying these high pressure pumps.

f. Milkhouse water supply connected directly to unapproved water supplies
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