Page 78 - Microsoft Word -Cow Book 10-06-09 final update.doc
P. 78

ITEM 19r


REQUIREMENT: Effective measures shall be taken to prevent the contamination of
milk, containers, equipment, and utensils by insects and rodents and by chemicals
used to control such vermin. Milkhouses shall be free of insects and rodents.
Surroundings shall be kept neat, clean and free of conditions, which might harbor or
be conducive to the breeding of insects and rodents. Feed shall be stored in such a
manner that it will not attract birds, rodents or insects.

Public Health Reason: Proper manure disposal reduces the breeding of flies, which
are considered capable of transmitting infection by physical contact or through
excreta to milk or milk containers, utensils or equipment. Insects visit unsanitary
places, they may carry pathogenic organisms on their bodies and they may carry
living bacteria for as long as 4 weeks within their bodies, and they may pass them on
to succeeding generations by infecting their eggs. Effective screening tends to
prevent the presence of flies, which are a public health menace. Flies may
contaminate the milk with microorganisms, which may multiply and become
sufficiently numerous to present a public health hazard. The surroundings of a dairy
should be kept neat and clean in order to reduce insect and rodent harborages.

Inspectional areas of emphasis and special problem areas may be:

General: This item provides for the effective control of insects and rodents, the
prevention of milk adulteration with pesticides and the maintenance of clean and
neat surroundings.

1. Specific guidelines are provided for manure disposal practices. Manure piled
on the ground surface during fly breeding season may not be stored longer
than 4 days. If the manure is stored in a concrete manure bin the period may
be extended to a 7 day maximum.

2. Practices must be used on the dairy farm premises to minimize fly breeding
and rodent harborage activities. This includes; manure disposal practices,
effective garbage and refuse disposal, and maintenance of surroundings in a
neat and clean condition. Manure packs in cattle housing areas (loafing areas,

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