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The Girl Who Kissed a Pig: and other One Health Lessons

Chris Brunner, February 10, 2014

Young girl hugging chickenWIFSS delivered a 4-hour One-Health track at the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine Center for Continuing Professional Education Winter Conference.

Dr. Cheryl Scott gave the presentation “The Girl Who Kissed a Pig: and other One Health Lessons,” where she provided an overview of One Health and discussed a variety of One Health Case Studies. Dr. Mandy Arens followed with her presentation “Papaya, Pigs, and Produce: What People Eat and How Veterinarians are Integral,” talking specifically about using a One Health approach to address foodborne illness and the veterinarian’s role in solving complex food safety problems. Dr. Mike Payne was next with his presentation “Veterinarians Should Think about Disasters,” discussing the ways veterinarians can become involved in disaster preparedness and disaster relief at the local, state and national level. Finally, Dr. Bruce Hoar finished up the WIFSS One Health track with a discussion of “How Biosecurity Ensures Health for Humans, Animals and the Environment,” focusing on biosecurity and the integration to biosecurity measures into One Health.