Innovating Dairy Digester Research

Dr. Pramod Pandey who is a faculty member and cooperative extension specialist at the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine focuses on better ways to manage dairy waste material for both large and small farms. WIFSS worked with Dr. Pandey to produce a video highlighting his research on dairy digesters and bio-gas.


Livestock and Fresh Produce Farmers Discuss Food Safety

Livestock ranches and fresh produce farms in California are among the most highly regulated commodities in the country, but confusion often exists about what each community does to assure food safety. Good neighbor workshops brought farmers, scientists and regulators together to strengthen produce safety.


Breeding Crops for Enhanced Food Safety

June 5 kicked off a two-day conference where experts in various fields from plant science to microbiology detailed the research being done in eradicating the occurrence of human pathogens in crop production through breeding.
