NAU Students Visit UC Davis
Students from Nanjing Agricultural University (NAU) learned about opportunities in research and educational programs at UC Davis during recent visit to Davis.
DetailsStudents from Nanjing Agricultural University (NAU) learned about opportunities in research and educational programs at UC Davis during recent visit to Davis.
DetailsWIFSS delivered a 4-hour One-Health track at the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine Center for Continuing Professional Education Winter Conference.
DetailsWIFSS visits Nanjiing Agricultural University to discuss food safety and joint research projects of mutual interest.
DetailsRob Atwill and Christopher Kilonzo take a One Health approach when studying the pathogens responsible for numerous foodborne outbreaks that have resulted in illness, death and considerable economic losses.
DetailsOnce a community of Salmonella cells has been given the opportunity to become established on a surface, the number of cells will increase over time and you’ll be hard pressed to eliminate or kill all the cells of a mature biofilm.
DetailsProtecting our food supply is more challenging than ever before. David Goldenberg from the UC Davis, Western Institute for Food Safety and Security will be at the helm of the U. S. Department of Homeland Security day-long course being held in Clovis.