California Community College Program Expansion: California Secure Food Supply (SFS) Enhanced Biosecurity Plans
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Project Leadership
The project leaders at the Western Institute for Food Safety and Security (WIFSS) at UC Davis include:
WIFSS Project Staff

Heather Johnson,
Instructional Systems Designer

Richard Thompson,
Web/Graphic Designer

Michael Payne,
Dairy Outreach Specialist

Food Safety and Security Training Coordinator dgoldenberg@ucdavis.edu
Community College Faculty

Woodland Community College basmus@yccd.edu

Woodland Community College cstaffor@yccd.edu

San Joaquin Delta College jessica.cardoso@deltacollege.edu
Project Overview
The UC Davis WIFSS Outreach team is continuing its work on the development of enhanced biosecurity plans for the farms in California and neighboring states by partnering with Woodland Community College and San Joaquin Delta College faculty. Together we are creating teaching materials, experiential learning activities, and assessments to teach college students about on-farm biosecurity and enhanced biosecurity programs, specifically the California Secure Food Supply (SFS) program. The newly developed teaching and learning materials will be integrated into existing degree and certificate programs at the colleges. The materials will be made available for other colleges throughout California to use and adapt for their programs, as well.
Objective 1
Objective 1
Create one (1) enhanced biosecurity curriculum framework that will articulate with existing community college programs.
Objective 2
Synthesize fifteen (15) new online learning modules, learning activities, and/or video-based teaching aides on on-farm enhanced biosecurity theory and practice.
Objective 2
Objective 3
Objective 3
Train at least sixty (60) college students on enhanced biosecurity so that they can demonstrate their knowledge and skills on formative assessments and by completing on-farm enhanced biosecurity activities during a class field trip at the end of the semester.
Objective 4
Publish at least one article on the development of the curriculum and the delivery of the new course materials and experiential learning activities.
Objective 4
This project is funded by a grant from the USDA’s National Animal Disease Preparedness and Response Program (NADPRP). © UC Davis Western Institute for Food Safety & Security, All rights reserved.