Fun and Games at Farm-to-Fork
Chris Brunner, September 29, 2017

The WIFSS team is ready to greet customers at the Farm-to-Fork Festival
WIFSS volunteers greeted large crowds during the fifth annual Farm-to-Fork Festival which took place on Capitol Mall in Sacramento on September 23. The School of Veterinary Medicine-WIFSS booth included family-friendly games. Participants tossed bean bags into Flossy the cow and spun the Wheel of Fortune in an attempt to win prizes. In order to win the grand prize, the coveted School of Veterinary Medicine squishy cow, contestants first had to correctly answer a series of food-safety related questions.

Ronald Bond, a water quality researcher and field coordinator with WIFSS, hands the winner her squishy cow
It’s very tempting not to take a few bites of raw chocolate chip dough when spooning it onto the cookie sheet. A young lady at the festival knew why it’s a bad idea to do that. She answered if it’s made with raw eggs you shouldn’t eat raw cookie dough. She won a squishy cow!
Programs at the School of Veterinary Medicine such as the Western Institute for Food Safety and Security, the Veterinary Medicine Teaching and Research Center and the California Animal Health and Food Safety Laboratory System, do much to protect the food supply and support agricultural producers and commodity groups.
The enthusiastic WIFSS team drew more than 500 visitors to the booth. The team included Amlan Aggrawal, John Angelos, Ronald Bond, Jennifer Chase, Heather Johnson, Emily Kunz, Melissa Partyka, Robert Pattison, and Clare Wei.