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FDA Proposes New Food Defense Rule

Chris Brunner, December 20, 2013

Lettuce fields in Salinas ValleyThe U.S. Food and Drug Administration has proposed a regulatory approach for preventing intentional adulteration of the food supply be incorporated into the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA).  The new rule would require the largest food business in the U.S. and abroad to take steps to prevent facilities from being the target of intentional attempts to contaminate the food supply.

FDA deputy commissioner for foods and veterinary medicine, Michael Taylor, said “The goal is to protect the food supply from those who may attempt to cause large-scale public health harm.”

The agency is seeking public input to refine its approach and further focus the scope of the rule which proposes a targeted approach focused on certain processes within a food facility that are most likely to be vulnerable to attack.

Read full FDA new release.
