FDA addresses antibiotic resistance

Dr. Michael Payne, veterinarian and livestock pharmacologist at the Western Institute for Food Safety and Security, UC Davis, says the FDA’s phasing out of certain antibiotic use in food animals is a win-win-win for consumers, regulators and the livestock industries.

It’s About Food Safety for Michele Jay-Russell

Dr. Michele Jay-Russell, program director at the Western Center for Food Safety is being kept busy these days with details related to the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA). When Jay-Russell is not testifying at hearings, she’s busy in a spinach field conducting raw manure experiments. Jay-Russell recently appeared at a one-day…

DHS Course Highlights Potential Threats

David Goldenberg, Acting Program Manager and Coordinator for Field Training at the Western Institute for Food Safety and Security (WIFSS), was front and center, at a one-day agroterrorism training course. The course is one in a series of six courses developed at WIFSS, and is delivered through certified courses of the US Department of Homeland Security.