WIFSS Is Finding Ways to Support California Specialty Crop Farmers in English and Spanish
WIFSS has developed an online training program for California farmers as they work to meet the new compliance standards of the FDA FSMA Produce Safety Rule.
WIFSS has developed an online training program for California farmers as they work to meet the new compliance standards of the FDA FSMA Produce Safety Rule.
For years WIFSS has been holding successful conferences, bringing international students to UC Davis to experience the principles of One Health, the importance of teamwork and collaboration, and lectures from world-class faculty and specialists.
WIFSS is set to offer one of the first remote deliveries of the official PSA Grower training course for specialty crop growers in California. The course is scheduled to be delivered on Thursday, May 14, 2020 via Zoom webinar, and will be co-taught by David Goldenberg of WIFSS, Michele Jay-Russell of WCFS, and Donna Clements of PSA.
The safety and nourishment of our families is a top priority, making the COVID-19 outbreak an important time to review the recommended steps for food safety whether cooking at home or getting takeout.
The NAU-UC Davis Education Conference on One Health for Food Safety and Security kicked off in the School of Veterinary Medicine’s Valley Hall on January 20.
Students learn about connection between people, animals, and the environment, and the role they play in food safety in all areas of the food chain from the soil to the consumer at One Health Conference.
Raising awareness about the link between people, animals, and the environment, as we do in our conferences, is the first step in lighting the fire of One Health and its importance in improving food safety from the soil to the consumer.
A FARAD workshop held in September helped launch future working relationships between the School of Veterinary Medicine, WIFSS, and NAU, to increase educational and research collaborations related to One Health in food safety and food supply drug residue avoidance.
NAU – UC Davis One Health for Food Safety and Animal Health Symposium creates atmosphere for open dialogue and leads to the development of action items for curricular development and graduate research programs.
Excessive pesticide residues in the environment entering the human food chain are a potential health risk. This was one of the food safety problems which students chose to address during the 3-week NAU-UC Davis Graduate Education Conference on One Health.