One Health, Food Safety and Food Security in Rwanda

In Rwanda, cows are culturally revered and given as gifts, which create a lasting bond of goodwill and camaraderie between the giver and receiver. Because cows hold such esteem in Rwanda, the Gir’inka program, which provides a poor family a cow, has been successful in alleviating malnutrition and poverty.

Planting the Seed of One Health

On February 18, 2022, the 13th UC Davis Education Conference on One Health for Food Safety, Agriculture and Animal Health concluded. Dr. Osburn delivered his closing remarks, recognizing the participation of all the colleges and the efforts made by all the conference coordinators. Certificates were issued to all the participants, guest speakers, team facilitators, and our wonderful volunteers.

The Sisterhood of One Health

The sisterhood is nourished by bonds of friendship that have no borders or boundaries. It’s grounded in teamwork, multidisciplinary collaboration, mutual respect, science-based truth seeking, and love. Read the story of three friends who met at a One Health conference and built a lifelong friendship which has weathered the storms of graduate school and helped them become better and stronger people.

Lunchtime Challenge Influences Thousands

The 2020 Lunchtime Challenge, (LTC), reached and audience of more than 3,000 people through the creative promotional campaigns of 40 undergraduate students from multiple disciplines who raised awareness about One Health issues as diverse as an innovative integrated method of reducing agricultural waste utilizing black fly larvae, to the harmony between marine ecology and human health, and the impacts of deforestation for the production of palm oil.