USDA announces $1 billion to help the nation’s poultry industry combat H5N1 avian influenza

Dr. Mike Payne, Dairy Outreach Coordinator at WIFSS and Co-Director for Dairy Cattle Health, with the California Dairy Quality Assurance Program, (CDQAP), said in a recent February 26 Health column in STAT news that “Avian influenza, and specifically the current H5N1 strain, has become endemic, full stop.” Payne went on to say, “We will not control the outbreak in poultry until we control it in cattle. This will require cattle vaccination.”

2nd bird flu virus detected in western US. What does this mean for prevention?

The School of Veterinary Medicine’s Impacts and Activities shared the news about the February 14 ABC News Good Morning America story by Mary Kekatos about the 2nd bird flu virus detected in western U.S. Our very own Dr. Michael Payne, a researcher and outreach coordinator at the Western Institute of Food Safety and Security within the University of California, Davis School of Veterinary Medicine, was quoted in the story.

SVM WIFSS and Huazhong Agricultural University explore development of a One Health Center

The Western Institute of Food Safety and Security (WIFSS) had the pleasure of welcoming Huazhong Agricultural University this past September. The visit aimed to unite the University of California Davis Veterinary School of Medicine (SVM) and the Huazhong Agricultural University toward the continuation of research in One Health for food safety and security across the two nations.