The Uncommon Veterinarian: Dr. Michele Jay-Russell
Why is a food safety veterinarian working so often with wildlife? Find out in The Uncommon Veterinarian Podcast on public health and food safety.
Why is a food safety veterinarian working so often with wildlife? Find out in The Uncommon Veterinarian Podcast on public health and food safety.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service announces Class One Recall on November 10, 2013. The Glass Onion Company of Richmond CA recalled approximately 181,620 pounds of ready-to-eat salads and sanwdwich wrap products with fully-cooked chicken and ham that may be contaminated with E. coli O157:H7.
How does refugee healthcare in the Peace Corps and the International Red Cross weave its way into a career as a Wildlife veterinarian and One Health practitioner? UC Davis pre-vet student Mark Cayabyab talks with Dr. Cheryl Scott about the path that led her to maintain both a veterinary and nursing license, making her one of the few strictly defined “One Health” practitioners on an episode of The Uncommon Veterinarian Podcast.
Eight cases of illness among children in East Tennessee are likely related to drinking “raw” or unpasteurized milk.
New research provides evidence that antibiotic resistance has spread beyond hospitals and farms to wildlife. According to the CDC at least 2 million people each year in the United States alone are sickened by infections resistant to drugs.
Food safety experts, government officials, and citrus and almond growers were among the speakers at an informational hearing chaired by California Senator Cathleen Galgiani, chairwoman of the Senate Committee on Agriculture.
The Global Food Traceability Center launched in July by the Institute of Food Technologists, is working to address the growing concern for both businesses and consumers to know where their food is coming from. The increasing complexity of the world’s food system can make it difficult to trace products back to their source.
An interactive two-an-a half day workshop with a focus on Microbial Produce Safety Systems from Preharvest to Postharvest, is being offered November 5-7, 2013, at UC Davis Conference Center. Read complete workshop description and download workshop brochure…
Acclaimed plant biologist Roger Beachy has been named founding director of the new World Food Center at the University of California. Beachy is charged with linking transformative research with partnerships to address challenges and opportunities at the intersection of food, agriculture and health.
Food produced for domestic pets and other animals will have to follow strict new standards under a proposed rule issued by the Food and Drug Administration.