Researchers Educating Growers About Proper Water Sampling
Water quality training seminars for produce growers are underway in many regions of the United States with the leadership of researchers from UC Davis.
Water quality training seminars for produce growers are underway in many regions of the United States with the leadership of researchers from UC Davis.
Read the news stories that tell about the cutting edge research discoveries and innovative training programs at WIFSS which are impacting local, national, and global food safety issues. Our comprehensive programs address food and water safety as well as the security of the food supply and sustainability of rural communities during natural and terrorist threats.
Happy Holidays from everyone at WIFSS. The Western Institute for Food Safety and Security wishes all of our friends a Happy Holiday greeting, and we look forward to working with you in 2017.
First responders from across the state of California from San Diego to Sutter counties attended training for organizing the recovery from an incident of agroterrorism or food systems disaster.
A FARAD workshop held in September helped launch future working relationships between the School of Veterinary Medicine, WIFSS, and NAU, to increase educational and research collaborations related to One Health in food safety and food supply drug residue avoidance.
NAU – UC Davis One Health for Food Safety and Animal Health Symposium creates atmosphere for open dialogue and leads to the development of action items for curricular development and graduate research programs.
A FMD Dairy Field Day held in Tulare, CA, helped raise awareness of actions that producers and processors can take before and during a Foot and Mouth Disease outbreak.
The fourth annual Farm-to-Fork Festival held on Capitol Mall in Sacramento on September 24 included the popular School of Veterinary Medicine – WIFSS booth which features family-friendly games focused on testing festival goer’s food safety knowledge.
WIFSS is improving food safety from soil to table through its One Health for Food Safety conferences by the threefold mission of raising awareness, encouraging team building, and bringing about change through calls to action.
A video shoot in Central California produces new batch of DeLaval “Do You Know” video series. The current series of videos will aid viewers in identifying milk fever and calf scours, and understanding the proper maintenance of dairy equipment.