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California Good Agriculture Neighbors Workshops

Livestock ranches and fresh produce farms in California are among the most highly regulated commodities in the country, but confusion often exists about what each community does to assure food safety. To better understand and leverage those efforts, in 2019 the University of California-Davis and the California Department of Food & Agriculture brought together diverse stakeholders to discuss the safety of fresh produce grown in the vicinity of wildlife and livestock. Workshops designed for produce growers and livestock facility operators to promote food safety were held in the Imperial Valley (Holtville) on June 11 and the Central Valley (Stockton) on June 13.

This page contains links to each of the formal presentations and well as handout materials.

For more information about other related outreach contact Dr. Michael Payne at mpayne@ucdavis.edu.

Workshop Summary

As California Department of Food and Agriculture, (CDFA), Secretary Karen Ross explains in an interview with California Ag Today, “Agriculture is complex,” she said, “This is particularly true in California, where diverse agricultural operations often exist side-by-side, with each of them required to comply with a myriad of regulations designed to protect the public, the environment, and the food supply.” READ MORE

Conference Materials

Good Ag Neighbors Flyer
Check out the flyer used to advertise the event.

Workshop Agenda
View the agenda from the workshop.

Speakers Bios
Read the bios from the top-knotch workshop speakers.

Summary of Ideas
Review the ideas that resulted from the workshop.

Please browse the video presentations of our top-knotch workshop speakers.

“Welcome and introduction to Good Ag Neighbors Conference.”

Natalie Krout-Greenberg, Chief of the Division of Inspection Services for the California Department of Food and Agriculture welcomes participants to this workshop exploring the food safety interface of fresh produce grown in proximity to wildlife and livestock. Ms. Krout-Greenberg reviewed the highlights coming out of the Holtville workshop which included a desire for California-based produced research, documentation and outreach regarding good management practices and improved farmer-rancher communication.

Michael Payne |  1:57

“Origins of this Good Ag Neighbors Conference.”

Michael Payne, Director of UCD’s Dairy Quality Assurance Program, CDQAP, a short background the stimulus for this workshop, and introduces the workshop facilitator, Joseph McIntyre.

Joseph McIntyre |  12:44

“Facilitator’s Overview and “Rules of the Road”.”

Joseph McIntyre of the non-profit organization Ag Innovations explains the role of a facilitator in an agricultural stakeholders meeting.

Joseph McIntyre |  25:06

“A Dialogue with Two Industry Leaders.”

Justin Oldfield of California Cattlemen’s Association and Dan Sutton of the Leafy Green Marketing Association discuss the challenges facing livestock and produce growers’ industries. The economic and social magnitude of the 2018 Romaine lettuce outbreaks is discussed.

Gaby Maier |  14:48

Results from previous beef food safety workshop in the Imperial Valley.”

Gaby Maier, a beef specialist with the University of California’s Cooperative Extension, reviews the results from the feedlot food safety symposium on April 26th 2019. Dr. Maier also provided a handout summarizing research targeting reduction of E. coli O157:H7 shedding in cattle. That handout which addresses environmental interventions and wildlife, feed additives and vaccines, can be downloaded from the conference webpage.

Paul Sousa |  16:31

“Livestock operations: Air, Water and Manure Controls.”

Paul Sousa of Western United Dairymen describes air quality and water quality regulations that potentially affect food safety of produce grown in proximity to dairy and beef cattle farms.


Steve Patton |  6:12

“Fresh Produce: FSMA & CDFA Produce Safety Program.”

Steve Patton, Chief of the California Department of Food and Agriculture’s Inspection and Compliance Branch explains how the CDFA’s Produce Safety Program interacts with Good Management Practices, the LGMA metrics and federal requirements implemented under FDA’s new Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA).

Mike Villaneva |  14:57

“Leafy Green Marketing Agreement (LGMA) Requirements.”

Mike Villaneva, Technical Director for the California Leafy Green Marketing Agreement provides an overview of LGMA requirements, particularly recently implemented changes related to livestock operations and irrigation water.

“The Latest Research: Livestock / Produce Interface Risk Factors.”

University of California’s Dr. Michele Jay-Russell surveys multistate, multiyear research programs looking at pathogen prevalence in wildlife and livestock, farm risk factors, manure and soil amendments, bio-aerosols (dust) and mitigation strategies.

Trevor Suslow |  13:55

“Applying the Research: Managing Risks, Set Back Distances, Mitigation Strategies and Metrics.”

Trevor Suslow, now with the industry’s Produce Marketing Association, uses twenty three years of teaching and research at the University of California to provide insight on the complex fresh produce – livestock food safety interface.

Ken Decio |  9:48

“California Composting Regulations.”

California’s Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) maintains commercial compost standards designed to protect public health and the environment. Ken Decio, a Senior Integrated Waste Management Specialist for CalRecycle reviews compost standards for metals, pathogen reduction and physical contamination.

Keith Warriner |  13:46

“Research in Post-harvest Safety in the Livestock Industry: Lessons Learned.”

Dr. Keith Warriner of the University of Guelf, compares and contrasts post-harvest strategies for meat and fresh produce industries and discusses challenges with chlorine-based post-harvest rinses of produce.

Paul Moyer |  17:54

“The Emerging Future: new Technologies for Fresh Produce to Reduce Pathogens After Harvest.”

Paul Moyer, owner of Moyer’s Apple Products in Ontario, Canada describes developing a novel post-harvest ozone-UV-peroxide treatment for produce in the face of a listeria outbreak in caramel apples from another company.

Research Summary: Reducing E. coli shedding in cattle
Produced by University of California Cooperative Extension Beef Specialist Dr. Gaby Maier, this handout summarizes research targeting reduction of E. coli O157:H7 shedding in cattle, including environmental and wildlife interventions, feed additives and vaccines.

Dos and Don’ts Preventing Dairy Pathogens in Produce
Produced by the California Dairy Quality Assurance Program, this six page, full color tri-fold describes in words and pictures management practices that help prevent contamination of fresh produce with manure.

Common Feedlot Environmental (& Food Safety) Measures
Produced by the California Cattleman’s Association, this handout describes voluntary and regulatory practices used by feedlot operators to protect food safety and the environment.

Dos and Don’ts Ensuring Dairy Water Quality
Produced by the California Dairy Quality Assurance Program this full color brochure describes in words and pictures management practices that help protect the state’s surface and ground water quality.

UCD – ANR: Balancing Food Safety & Sustainability. Opportunities for Co-Management
Developed by the University of California Cooperative Extension, this article describes opportunities for “co-management”, minimizing the risk  of cross contamination from wildlife into food production areas while simultaneously conserving natural resources. While the piece focuses on wildlife, the concept of co-management of produce and livestock farming may be similar.

Special thanks to Western Growers Association and the California Beef Council for day-of lunch and refreshments.