Chris Brunner – March 10, 2020
The NAU-UC Davis Education Conference on One Health for Food Safety and Security kicked off in the School of Veterinary Medicine’s Valley Hall on January 20. The conference was scheduled to run from January 20 through February 7. Airline cancellations put in place as a result of the coronavirus outbreak made it necessary for the 36 participants from Nanjing Agricultural University to leave Davis one week ahead of schedule. The conference was able to complete its full 3-week program due to the wonders of modern technology. WIFSS’ One Health colleagues from Nanjing who were on site in Davis, with the help four interns, sprang into action videotaping the final week’s lectures and putting them online for the students to watch from their homes in China. The students wrote summaries of the lectures and posted them on WeChat. The final day of the conference occurred as scheduled with students presenting their team presentations through Zoom to a crew from WIFSS including conference team facilitators Bennie Osburn, David Goldenberg, Greg Wlasiuk, and Chris Brunner. Also, in attendance for final-day presentations were co-conference coordinators Jenny Chen, Michael Luo and Carol Wang, and interns Yang Wanying, Du Fanshu, Yu Xiaonan, Shao Yuekun, and Xu Chen.